Tuesday, March 24, 2015

My resentment

I am resentful against anti-steppers. I am resentful against people like Stanton Peele, Monica Richardson, Ken Ragge, Gabrielle Glaser, and the countless anonymous anti-steppers (“Mr. Orange”, etc.) who parrot the same tired old anti-12-step slogans and who claim that the program never works, which for me is completely preposterous because they have been working really well for me for the last few decades, for family members, and for my friends who I have met in the 12-step rooms.

I am resentful, not because they are wrong, not because they are bitter, but because they cosign an active alcoholic's bullshit. There are people out there who, unless they stop drinking and somehow treat their alcoholism, will die a miserable death drinking. As long as those active alcoholics are listening to the lies of anti-steppers instead of going to a meeting or calling their sponsor, they will get worst, not better, and many of them are dying.

I wonder how many people have died because they went to an anti-stepper website on the Internet and believed its lies instead of going to a meeting or something else to actually treat their alcoholism. I know I have seen too many people not get the program or anything else that would have helped the active alcoholic improve and instead die from the disease of alcoholism.

The funny thing is this: I actually agree with the objections of many of the anti-steppers. As just one example, I agree with Monica Richardson that there are men who treat 12-step meetings like a singles club, trying to get in the pants of pretty newcomer women. But, not only does the AA culture encourage men to stick with men and women stick with women, but also there are countless women's meetings which men are not allowed to step foot in. 

But I draw the line when it comes to cosigning bullshit. Anti-steppers have a right to free speech. But, for the active alcoholic, listening to or paying attention to the wrong people kills.