Tuesday, April 22, 2014

In defense of liberals

I mentioned, in my blog entry two days ago that a prominent liberal website -- Salon -- put a negative hit piece against Alcoholics Anonymous on their front page.  Indeed, other liberal sites, such as Digg appear to have some bias against Alcoholics Anonymous, for a couple of reasons:

  • AA talks about God, which, sadly, some liberals have a very negative reaction to.
  • People who do not want to take responsibility for and improve their life, and continue to drink and use, tend to be liberal more often than conservative.
That said, there are a lot of liberals in the rooms of AA, as well as a lot of conservatives. Indeed, the rather liberal site DailyKOS has a community of people who are positive and supportive of AA.  To wit, these articles:

Even though the occasional poster over at DailyKOS posts an inaccurate anti-AA hit piece, other DailyKOS posters quickly correct them:

After Salon's anti-AA article posted to their front page, it's good to see other liberal places like DailyKOS being more supportive of AA.