Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lance Dodes refuted

Lance Dodes has been claiming that AA is roughly as effective as spontaneous remission (10%).  However, the science does not back up this claim, as discussed here:

To summarize that article:
  • 1991 study that Dodes quotes actually shows that AA is about 20% effective when people just go to meetings, and 40% effective when people go to 30-day 12-step based treatment and then go to AA meetings.
  • The Cochrane study does not say AA is ineffective.  It actually says that AA is at least as effective as other treatment: "AA may help patients to accept treatment and keep patients in treatment more than alternative treatments" and "Other studies reported similar retention rates regardless of treatment group"
  • There are other scientific studies showing that AA is an effective treatment which Dodes completely ignored.